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Exception Handling

Last updated on June 30th, 2024 at 03:06 pm

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Catching Errors

Any program will potentially run into situations where the code has to say it found an error that it cannot gracefully recover from. This is known as Exception Handling. Exception Handling is implemented in the core of Ruby and exceptions will be raised any time you write code that has syntax errors or performs an illegal operation.

As a programmer you can not only catch and recover from these exceptions, you can also throw exceptions yourself.

The primary tool for capturing exceptions is the rescue statement. If you implement the rescue statement without any arguments, it will capture any and all exceptions that come its way.

Usually, however, at the very least you want to be able to inform the user a little more precisely about the problem experienced and you can issue the raise statement with a variable that will take on the value of the error.

Often, we will know what potential errors can occur and then be able to recover from them. In this case, we can specify which errors we can handle and which we have to pass on.

It is also not uncommon to see explicit rescue blocks within methods, such as with the following.

You may notice that we didn’t have to put a return or any other control statement after the first rescue statement. Because the rescue command is always at the end of the block, Ruby simply terminates execution of the block after the rescue is executed.

Sharing Rescue Code

There could be situations where you would have identical rescue methods in a given file. The rescue_from command has been created to facilitate this. In the example code below, once the rescue_from has been defined, any method that raises the appropriate error will be handled by the defined method.

Trying Again

Ruby allows you to try again if you think you can recover from an Exception. With the retry statement, execution restarts at the most recently preceding begin statement.

Throwing Errors

The raise statement can be used to throw an exception. If you don’t specify the type of the error, Ruby will throw a RuntimeError.

It it helpful to specify the type of error when you throw it so that layers above you might know what to catch.

You can also define your own error classes.